Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Short trick to learn countries passed through the line of tropic of cancer

Countries are passed through the Tropic of Cancer line.

Tricks to remember the  Countries comes under the Tropic of Cancer line apart from the advantage of easiness to remember the things using the tricks you also remember it for longer time.
You can also come out with your own innovative tricks.

1. Saudi Arabai
2. UAE
3. Oman
4. India
5. Bangladesh
6. Myanmar
7. China
8. Taiwan

Short Trick- Mob is Cute.

Note- Color full alphabet represent names of countries comes under the line of tropic of cancer line. 


1. Niger
2. Algeria
3. Mauritania
4. Egtpt
5. Western Sahara
6. Mali
7. Libya

Short Trick is Name WML(Wireless Markup Language).

Note- Color full alphabet represent names of countries comes under the line of tropic of cancer line. 

North America

Thursday, August 14, 2014

India Touch foreign Countries Boundaries

India Touch foreign Countries Boundaries

These are countries with India boundary touch


SHORT TRICK -Base on Old indian song

Ek Bangla Bane Nyara, rahe kumba jis Mein saara, sone ka bangala Chandan ka Jangala Pyara

           Ek stand for Afghanistan (A 1 position in alphabet )
           Bangla stand for Bangladesh
           Bane stand for Bhutan
           Pyara stand for Pakistan
           Nyara stand for Nepal
           Mein stand for Myanmar
           Chandan stand for China

Friday, August 8, 2014

Indian State Comes Under the Tropic of Cancer line

Tricks to remember the  Indian State comes under the Tropic of Cancer line apart from the advantage of easiness to remember the things using the tricks you also remember it for longer time.
You can also come out with your own innovative tricks.

1. Gujarat
2. Rajisthan
3. Madhya Pradesh
4. Chhatisgarh
5. Jharkhand
6. West Bengal
7. Mizoram
8. Tripura

Short Trick is ToM and Jary show BroadCasting or Generated by Mexico Republic country.
Note- First capital alphabet represent of these sentence to State of India 

Foreign Country Touching Indian State Boundaries

Tricks to remember the neighbor countries touching Indian State Boundary apart from the advantage of easyness to remember the things using the tricks you also remember it for longer time.
You can also come out with your own innovative tricks.

1. Pakistan

Gujarat, Punjab, Rajisthan, Jammu & Kashmir
(Short Trick is GuPRaJ)

                               Gu stand for Gujarat
                                P stand for Punjab
                                Ra stand for Rajisthan
                                J stand for Jammu & Kashmir

2. Afghanistan 

          Jammu & Kashmir

3. Nepal

          West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Sikkim

(Short Trick is BaBiUpSiTtar)

                                Ba stand for Bangal
                                Bi stand for Bihar
                                Up stand for Uttar Pradesh
                                Ttar stand for Uttarkhand
                                Si stand for Sikkim,


                 Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, West Bengal.

(Short Trick is Assembly line Major and Minor Trend of West Bangal  )

                                A stand for Assam
                                M stand for Meghalaya
                                M stand for Mizoram
                                T stand for Tripura
                                W stand for Wesh Bangal


             Arnuranchal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland

(Short Trick is Arabian People Never MInd of Money )

                                AP stand for Arnuranchal Pradesh
                                N stand for Nagaland 
                                M stand for Manipur
                                Mi stand for Mizoram

6. China

             Arnuranchal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarkhand, Himanchal Pradesh, Jammu & kasmir      

(Short Trick is Jack and jil Up in the Hill And Sit on the wall )

                                A stand for Arnuranchal Pradesh
                                Si stand for Sikkim
                                U stand for Uttarkhan
                                H stand for Himanchal Pradesh
                                J stand for Jammu & kasmir

7. Bhutan

         Arnuranchal Pradesh, Assam, West Bangal, Sikkim.

(Short Trick is ArunA Bani Sikh )

                                AP stand for Arnuranchal Pradesh
                                A stand for Assam
                                B stand for West Bangal
                                Si stand for Sikkim  

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Nine Jewels/Navaratna of Chandra Gupta 2 (Vikramadiya)

Nine Jewels/Navaratna of Chandra Gupta 2 (Vikramadiya)


Short Trick to Learn- "KVS AD GK"
Known Explaination of Trick- Kandriya Vidyalaya School Advertise krata hai Gernal Knowledge ki.

Please do not try to use my Trick for posting purpose its under copyright and could have cost you legal trouble.

Nine Jewels Or Navaratna of Akbar

1.Abul Fazl
2.Abdur Rahim Khane Khana
5.Mulla do Pyaja

Short Trick to Learn- "AA BB MM TT F"

Known Explanation of Trick - AAp BBhi khao MMin TTo Fresh.

Please do not try to use my Trick for posting purpose its under copyright and could have cost you legal trouble.


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