Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Short trick to learn countries passed through the line of tropic of cancer

Countries are passed through the Tropic of Cancer line.

Tricks to remember the  Countries comes under the Tropic of Cancer line apart from the advantage of easiness to remember the things using the tricks you also remember it for longer time.
You can also come out with your own innovative tricks.

1. Saudi Arabai
2. UAE
3. Oman
4. India
5. Bangladesh
6. Myanmar
7. China
8. Taiwan

Short Trick- Mob is Cute.

Note- Color full alphabet represent names of countries comes under the line of tropic of cancer line. 


1. Niger
2. Algeria
3. Mauritania
4. Egtpt
5. Western Sahara
6. Mali
7. Libya

Short Trick is Name WML(Wireless Markup Language).

Note- Color full alphabet represent names of countries comes under the line of tropic of cancer line. 

North America


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